Favorite Food Blogs

So in case you haven't already heard it a THOUSAND times, I'm totally addicted to food blogs. But I seem to always have trouble find a good place for quality ones. Mostly I come across them through StumbleUpon. So I thought it might be helpful for me to list my very favorite food blogs! These are 100% quality tested.

Ree obviously, OBVIOUSLY is the best thing to happen since ever. I mean, come on: she's got red hair, she lives in the country with an awesome kitchen, she takes great pictures, and her recipes are nothing short of amazing. I've only ever tried one of her recipes that I didn't like and believe me, considering how many of them I've tried, that's a pretty good ratio.

This was the first food blog I ever experienced, and it's a great one. Krysta is hilarious, and her delicious cheese fritters helped me impress the in-laws at my first Thanksgiving ever as a wife, which I am deeply grateful for.

Gina's Skinny Recipes
Don't be put off by "skinny" in the title- I love this website. It's chock full o' recipes, and good ones. Having used Weight Watchers in the past, the point system and all her nutritional info is helpful to see whether the recipe is relatively healthy or not. Plus it makes me feel like I'm eating healthy!

Joy the Baker
*sigh* When this little blog dreams at night, it dreams of one day being as wonderful as Joy the Baker. I can't describe how wonderful this website is or how many yummy recipes it has. You'll have to go see for yourself.

The Italian Dish
I LOVE Italian food, and this blog is great, especially if you have a little more money (for ingredients like shrimp, which on our tiny budget seems exorbitant) and a little extra time. And it's beautifully laid out.