Sunday, July 10, 2011

Baking Playlist

This week is about to kick me to the curb. In a good way.

So before that happens, The Husband thought I should share my baking playlist with you. I don't know if you'll like it, but when he suggested it I couldn't not do it. The cool songs come from my sister, who somehow mysteriously always knows about every cool band you've never heard of.

I have two baking playlists that I rotate between, so I'll give you the highlights.

Isle of Skye- Andrew Peterson
Back to Life- Parachute Musical
Weighty Ghost- Wintersleep
Long Distance Call- Phoenix
Rye Whiskey- Punch Brothers
The Magic Hour- Andrew Peterson
Big Shot- Billy Joel
Dance Anthem of the 80's- Regina Spektor
Almost every song from The Newsies
Straight Through My Heart- Backstreet Boys
When in Rome- Nickel Creek
Don't Turn Out the Lights- NKOTBSB
The New Workout Plan- Kanye West
Pretty much all of the Sweeny Todd soundtrack
Apartment-Young the Giant

So what about you, fellow bakers and cooks? Do you have favorite music to fill your kitchen with? Feel free to steal mine, it works pretty well.

1 comment:

  1. Depending on my mood I pretty much listen to either Iron & Wine (mellow) or MGMT/Hercules & Love Affair (feel like shaking my booty) when I cook. Feel free to add to your list!!
