Sunday, June 19, 2011

Cinnamon Rolls...almost

This weekend, after drooling over various food blogs and their kitchen setups (I'm looking at you, Pioneer Woman, Joy the Baker, Baked Bree), I asked the Husband if, one day, I could have a nice kitchen. Could he promise that?

"We have a nice kitchen," he replied.
Exhibit A: Our kitchen
"No, we have a kitchen with exactly zero counter space, one tiny window that doesn't let in light, and no cool drawers to put my flour and sugar in," I said. "I want a big kitchen. A nice kitchen, with huge countertops, and lots of windows and big ol' drawers to put my baking supplies in."

"Oh," he said. "You want a big kitchen. With an island."

My husband defines a nice kitchen as a kitchen with an island.

Can you tell that my dough is rising?

1 comment:

  1. AAhahaha just read this. I think I'm laughing out loud because I can hear this whole conversation in my head.
